The Green Party is calling on Finance Minister Michael Cullen, and the six Kiwisaver default providers, to ensure that New Zealand workers who sign up to Kiwisaver are offered the choice of a socially and environmentally sustainable investment option. Continue reading “Will Kiwisaver offer a sustainable choice?”
The long term economic and social challenge
There are significant economic events on the horizon affecting the business sector generally and I would like to outline the government’s approach to them. Continue reading “The long term economic and social challenge”
Savings, KiwiSaver, Tax Changes and Superannuation
Over the past 30 years, New Zealand has twice tried to implement a compulsory superannuation scheme – on both occasions, the schemes crashed and burned in a spectacular way. Continue reading “Savings, KiwiSaver, Tax Changes and Superannuation”
Big hurdles for compulsory superannuation
Major hurdles have to be overcome before compulsory superannuation is realistic, says National Party Finance spokesman Bill English. Continue reading “Big hurdles for compulsory superannuation”