KiwiSaver enters Reserve Bank stats with style

KiwiSaver was the only managed fund sector to grow in the three months to September this year, according to new figures published by the Reserve Bank.The latest Reserve Bank managed funds survey put total KiwiSaver funds under management at almost $1.8 billion at the end of September compared to just over $1 billion at June 30, 2008.

Over the same three-month period superannuation funds under management, other than KiwiSaver, fell by almost $1.3 billion to $18.6 billion and had shrunk by close to $4 billion in the 12 months to the end of September 2008.

The Reserve Bank figures also showed over the September quarter: life insurance funds dropped from $8 billion to $7.9 billion; unit trusts and GIFs were down almost $800 million, and; other managed funds (including charities and private funds) holding steady at about $16 billion.

In total, New Zealand’s managed fund sector had declined by almost $1.5 billion in the three months since June this year and was off by approximately $8 billion from the high point of $66.4 billion under management as at September 2007.

The Reserve Bank figures show KiwiSaver funds have invested roughly 60% in New Zealand assets with the rest offshore. Almost half of the KiwiSaver funds were invested in New Zealand cash and fixed interest assets with only $142 million placed in local equities and unit trusts with a further $79 million put into property.

The $700 million invested globally by KiwiSaver funds was not broken down by asset class in the Reserve Bank figures.

The Reserve Bank included KiwiSaver funds for the first time in the September managed funds survey. The report excludes KiwiSaver schemes with less than $500 million under management, however, the Bank said its statistics cover 95% of the market.


KiwiSaver changes more work

The National Party’s proposed changes to KiwiSaver have some pros and cons for employers, consultancy firm Aventine says.
The negatives are that KiwiSaver rules keep changing meaning more work for employers to comply with the scheme. The fact that there have already been changes such as to salary sacrifice, within the scheme’s first year of operation have been a contentious point.

The key proposed changes in this area are to unwind the changes Labour made to the Employment Relations Act to stop employers from reducing remuneration because of KiwiSaver.

National is also proposing to make the two-plus-two option a permanent feature. Employees will be able to choose making contributions at either two or four or eight percent.

A key issue with this change is that the resulting benefits for people putting money into KiwiSaver will be lower at retirement age than under the current scheme.

“The resulting benefits that will emerge will be lower and in many cases, inadequate.

This will increase the likelihood of future changes, or put pressure on employers to put in place supplementary arrangements,� Aventine says.

The other concern for employers is that National is proposing to limit the compulsory employer subsidy to 2%, meaning it won’t increase after April 2010. Also it plans to eliminate the employer tax credit.

Aventine says this creates problems for employers that have adopted up to now, a more generous approach.

“Under National’s policy, any employer contributions above 2% will become taxable and therefore contributions will need to be split between those that are taxable and those that are not.�

KiwiSaver Performance Survey results

The range of returns from KiwiSaver funds is very wide according to the first performance report from research house Morningstar.This survey groups KiwiSaver options according to their mix of income and growth assets, known as their ‘asset allocation’. This is one of the most important decisions to make when saving for retirement income.

The survey does not include all KiwiSaver providers. Organisations like Mercer, Gareth Morgan Investments and Huljich did not participate.

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KiwiSaver Performance Survey – Returns to 30 September 2008
Fund Name Underlying Investment
Default Options
AMP KiwiSaver Default Fund AMP 0.86 3.41 3.45
ASB KiwiSaver Conservative Fund (Default) ASB Group Invmts 0.95 1.59 1.47
AXA KiwiSaver Income Plus AXA Asia Pacific -1.23 -0.72 -2.71
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.1 1.34 2.36
TOWER KiwiPlan-Cash Enhanced Tower 0.18 1.45 3.36
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Multisector Options
AMP KiwiSaver Default Fund AMP 0.86 3.41 3.45
ANZ KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.67 1.87 2.39
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Conserv Fund ASB Group Invmts 0.83 1.48 1.22
ASB KiwiSaver Conservative Fund (Default) ASB Group Invmts 0.95 1.59 1.47
Asteron KiwiSaver Conservative Fund Tyndall 0.27 0.23 -2.11
AXA KiwiSaver Income Plus AXA Asia Pacific -1.23 -0.72 -2.71
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Capital Guaranteed Kiwi Fidelity Life 2.04
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Conservative Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life 1.36 2.9 3.62
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.1 1.34 2.36
ING KiwiSaver SIL Conservative Fund ING 1.72 1.9 3.15
National Bank KiwiSaver – Conservative ING 1.68 1.86 2.49
Smartshares Smartkiwi Conservative Fund NZ Exchange 2.32 2.32 0.59
TOWER KiwiPlan-Cash Enhanced Tower 0.18 1.45 3.36
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AMP KiwiSaver Conservative Fund AMP 1.88 4.65 3.47
AMP KiwiSaver Moderate Fund AMP 0.22 3.08 -0.57
ANZ KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced Fund ING 0.7 0.36 -2.13
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Conservative Fund ASB Group Invmts -0.6 -0.46 -4.19
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Moderate Fund ASB Group Invmts -0.27 -0.86 -4.87
ASB KiwiSaver Moderate Fund ASB Group Invmts 0.05 -0.48 -4.21
AXA KiwiSaver Conservative AXA Asia Pacific -1.1
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced ING -0.16 -0.42 -2.9
ING KiwiSaver SIL Conservative Balanced Fund ING 0.68 0.34 -1.57
National Bank KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced ING 0.66 0.31 -2.13
Smartshares Smartkiwi Balanced Fund NZ Exchange -2.44 -2.22 -13.68
TOWER KiwiPlan-Conservative Tower -1.19 -0.66 -0.41
Westpac KiwiSaver-Conservative Fund BT NZ 0.4 0.9 -1.38
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AMP KiwiSaver Balanced – Other Fund AMP -2.12 -0.59 -8.75
AMP KiwiSaver Balanced Fund AMP -2.01 0.83 -6.49
AMP KiwiSaver-ING Balanced Fund ING -0.67 0.96 -4.46
AMP KiwiSaver Moderate Balanced Fund AMP -1.35 1.59 -4.03
AMP KiwiSaver-TOWER Balanced Fund Tower -2.18 -0.99 -4.73
ANZ KiwiSaver – Balanced Fund ING -0.4 -1.32 -6.58
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -3.33 -3.98 -11.55
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -2.33 -3.31 -10.71
ASB KiwiSaver Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -1.9 -2.85 -10.22
Asteron KiwiSaver Balanced Fund Tyndall -1.52 -1.89 -8.55
AXA KiwiSaver Balanced AXA Asia Pacific -5.43 -6.19 -14.6
Brook Professional KiwiSaver Scheme Balanced Fund Brook Asset Mgmt -1.6 0.98 5.35
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Balanced Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life 1.16 1.75 0.69
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Ethical Kiwi Fidelity Life -1.35
ING KiwiSaver – Balanced ING -1.68 -2.53 -8.14
ING KiwiSaver SIL Balanced Fund ING -0.41 -1.32 -6.02
National Bank KiwiSaver – Balanced ING -0.35 -1.29 -6.56
TOWER KiwiPlan-Balanced Tower -3.44 -3.51 -5.2
Westpac KiwiSaver-Balanced Fund BT NZ -1.81 -2.53 -9.85
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AMP KiwiSaver Growth Fund AMP -4.34 -1.28 -10.83
ANZ KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth Fund ING -1.45 -2.99 -11.16
ANZ KiwiSaver – Growth Fund ING -2.64 -4.88 -15.74
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -5.13 -6.18 -16.81
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -4.38 -5.6 -15.82
ASB KiwiSaver Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -3.99 -5.1 -15.6
Asteron KiwiSaver Balanced Growth Fund Tyndall -4.25 -3.66 -14.92
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Growth Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life -0.35 -0.67 -3
ING KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth ING -3.11 -4.48 -13.08
ING KiwiSaver – Growth Fund ING -4.52 -6.37 -17.36
ING KiwiSaver SIL Balanced Growth Fund ING -1.5 -3.05 -10.63
ING KiwiSaver SIL Growth Fund ING -2.56 -4.84 -15.32
National Bank KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth ING -1.47 -3.04 -11.16
National Bank KiwiSaver – Growth ING -2.58 -4.84 -15.85
Westpac KiwiSaver-Growth Fund BT NZ -3 -4.13 -13.39
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AMP KiwiSaver Aggressive Fund AMP -5.72 -2.61 -13.77
AXA KiwiSaver Growth AXA Asia Pacific -7.94 -8.78 -20.8
Brook Professional KiwiSaver Scheme Growth Fund Brook Asset Mgmt -3.05 -0.89 2.33
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Aggressive Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life -0.78 0.31 -8.01
First NZ Capital KiwiSaver Scheme First NZ Capital
Fisher Funds Growth KiwiSaver Scheme Fisher Funds -7.87 -4.67 -17.76
TOWER KiwiPlan-Growth Tower -5.78 -7.52 -15.71
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Single Sector Options
AMP KiwiSaver Cash Fund AMP 2.17 4.46 8.62
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver NZ Cash Fund ASB Group Invmts 2.03 4.26 8.54
ASB KiwiSaver Cash Fund ASB Group Invmts 2.04 4.22 8.57
Asteron KiwiSaver Capital Fund Tyndall 2.17 4.21 8.24
AXA KiwiSaver Cash AXA Asia Pacific
ING KiwiSaver – Cash Plus Fund ING 2.04 4.21 8.28
ING KiwiSaver SIL Cash Plus Fund ING 1.96 3.95 8.73
NZ Guardian ANZ KiwiSaver Cash Fund ING
NZ Guardian National Bank KiwiSaver Cash Fund ING
TOWER KiwiPlan-Preservation Tower 2.05 4.18 8.52
Westpac KiwiSaver-Cash Fund BT NZ 1.41 3.54 5.57
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Fixed Income
Asteron KiwiSaver High Yield Fixed Interest Fund Tyndall 0.79 0.6 0.19
ING KiwiSaver SIL New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund ING 2.52 4.81 6.82
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Fixed Int Fund ING 4.2 3.49 10.97
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Asteron KiwiSaver Global Property Fund Tyndall 0.47 -7.7 -16.38
ING KiwiSaver SIL Australasian Property Fund ING -4.39 -6.15 -20.73
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Property Fund ING -2.87 -11.05 -22.47
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Australasian Equity
AonSaver AMT KiwiSaver Milford Aggressive Fund Milford -0.24 3.01 7.59
Asteron KiwiSaver SRI Share Fund Tyndall -3.84 -10.66 -27.64
Asteron KiwiSaver Trans-Tasman Small Companies Shr Tyndall -9.35 -9.34 -28.18
ING KiwiSaver SIL Australasian Share Fund ING -1.7 -8.91 -25.06
Smartshares Smartkiwi Growth Fund NZ Exchange -5.21 -6.6 -26.13
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International Equity
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active High Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -10.53
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Global Sustainability Fd ASB Group Invmts -4.16
Asteron KiwiSaver International Share Fund Tyndall -5.93 -3.7 -18.07
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Share Fund ING -3.3 -3.66 -16.51
ING Kiwisaver SIL Sustainable Growth Fund ING
TOWER KiwiPlan-Equity Tower -9.74 -11.7 -25.34
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Fidelity KiwiSaver-Options Kiwi Fund Tyndall 5.34 13.89 23.28
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KiwiSaver Performance Survey results

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KiwiSaver Performance Survey – Returns to 30 September 2008
Fund Name Underlying Investment
Default Options
AMP KiwiSaver Default Fund AMP 0.86 3.41 3.45
ASB KiwiSaver Conservative Fund (Default) ASB Group Invmts 0.95 1.59 1.47
AXA KiwiSaver Income Plus AXA Asia Pacific -1.23 -0.72 -2.71
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.1 1.34 2.36
TOWER KiwiPlan-Cash Enhanced Tower 0.18 1.45 3.36
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Multisector Options
AMP KiwiSaver Default Fund AMP 0.86 3.41 3.45
ANZ KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.67 1.87 2.39
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Conserv Fund ASB Group Invmts 0.83 1.48 1.22
ASB KiwiSaver Conservative Fund (Default) ASB Group Invmts 0.95 1.59 1.47
Asteron KiwiSaver Conservative Fund Tyndall 0.27 0.23 -2.11
AXA KiwiSaver Income Plus AXA Asia Pacific -1.23 -0.72 -2.71
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Capital Guaranteed Kiwi Fidelity Life 2.04
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Conservative Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life 1.36 2.9 3.62
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Fund ING 1.1 1.34 2.36
ING KiwiSaver SIL Conservative Fund ING 1.72 1.9 3.15
National Bank KiwiSaver – Conservative ING 1.68 1.86 2.49
Smartshares Smartkiwi Conservative Fund NZ Exchange 2.32 2.32 0.59
TOWER KiwiPlan-Cash Enhanced Tower 0.18 1.45 3.36
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AMP KiwiSaver Conservative Fund AMP 1.88 4.65 3.47
AMP KiwiSaver Moderate Fund AMP 0.22 3.08 -0.57
ANZ KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced Fund ING 0.7 0.36 -2.13
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Conservative Fund ASB Group Invmts -0.6 -0.46 -4.19
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Moderate Fund ASB Group Invmts -0.27 -0.86 -4.87
ASB KiwiSaver Moderate Fund ASB Group Invmts 0.05 -0.48 -4.21
AXA KiwiSaver Conservative AXA Asia Pacific -1.1
ING KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced ING -0.16 -0.42 -2.9
ING KiwiSaver SIL Conservative Balanced Fund ING 0.68 0.34 -1.57
National Bank KiwiSaver – Conservative Balanced ING 0.66 0.31 -2.13
Smartshares Smartkiwi Balanced Fund NZ Exchange -2.44 -2.22 -13.68
TOWER KiwiPlan-Conservative Tower -1.19 -0.66 -0.41
Westpac KiwiSaver-Conservative Fund BT NZ 0.4 0.9 -1.38
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AMP KiwiSaver Balanced – Other Fund AMP -2.12 -0.59 -8.75
AMP KiwiSaver Balanced Fund AMP -2.01 0.83 -6.49
AMP KiwiSaver-ING Balanced Fund ING -0.67 0.96 -4.46
AMP KiwiSaver Moderate Balanced Fund AMP -1.35 1.59 -4.03
AMP KiwiSaver-TOWER Balanced Fund Tower -2.18 -0.99 -4.73
ANZ KiwiSaver – Balanced Fund ING -0.4 -1.32 -6.58
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -3.33 -3.98 -11.55
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -2.33 -3.31 -10.71
ASB KiwiSaver Balanced Fund ASB Group Invmts -1.9 -2.85 -10.22
Asteron KiwiSaver Balanced Fund Tyndall -1.52 -1.89 -8.55
AXA KiwiSaver Balanced AXA Asia Pacific -5.43 -6.19 -14.6
Brook Professional KiwiSaver Scheme Balanced Fund Brook Asset Mgmt -1.6 0.98 5.35
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Balanced Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life 1.16 1.75 0.69
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Ethical Kiwi Fidelity Life -1.35
ING KiwiSaver – Balanced ING -1.68 -2.53 -8.14
ING KiwiSaver SIL Balanced Fund ING -0.41 -1.32 -6.02
National Bank KiwiSaver – Balanced ING -0.35 -1.29 -6.56
TOWER KiwiPlan-Balanced Tower -3.44 -3.51 -5.2
Westpac KiwiSaver-Balanced Fund BT NZ -1.81 -2.53 -9.85
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AMP KiwiSaver Growth Fund AMP -4.34 -1.28 -10.83
ANZ KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth Fund ING -1.45 -2.99 -11.16
ANZ KiwiSaver – Growth Fund ING -2.64 -4.88 -15.74
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -5.13 -6.18 -16.81
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Tracker Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -4.38 -5.6 -15.82
ASB KiwiSaver Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -3.99 -5.1 -15.6
Asteron KiwiSaver Balanced Growth Fund Tyndall -4.25 -3.66 -14.92
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Growth Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life -0.35 -0.67 -3
ING KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth ING -3.11 -4.48 -13.08
ING KiwiSaver – Growth Fund ING -4.52 -6.37 -17.36
ING KiwiSaver SIL Balanced Growth Fund ING -1.5 -3.05 -10.63
ING KiwiSaver SIL Growth Fund ING -2.56 -4.84 -15.32
National Bank KiwiSaver – Balanced Growth ING -1.47 -3.04 -11.16
National Bank KiwiSaver – Growth ING -2.58 -4.84 -15.85
Westpac KiwiSaver-Growth Fund BT NZ -3 -4.13 -13.39
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AMP KiwiSaver Aggressive Fund AMP -5.72 -2.61 -13.77
AXA KiwiSaver Growth AXA Asia Pacific -7.94 -8.78 -20.8
Brook Professional KiwiSaver Scheme Growth Fund Brook Asset Mgmt -3.05 -0.89 2.33
Fidelity KiwiSaver-Aggressive Kiwi Fund Fidelity Life -0.78 0.31 -8.01
First NZ Capital KiwiSaver Scheme First NZ Capital
Fisher Funds Growth KiwiSaver Scheme Fisher Funds -7.87 -4.67 -17.76
TOWER KiwiPlan-Growth Tower -5.78 -7.52 -15.71
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Single Sector Options
AMP KiwiSaver Cash Fund AMP 2.17 4.46 8.62
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver NZ Cash Fund ASB Group Invmts 2.03 4.26 8.54
ASB KiwiSaver Cash Fund ASB Group Invmts 2.04 4.22 8.57
Asteron KiwiSaver Capital Fund Tyndall 2.17 4.21 8.24
AXA KiwiSaver Cash AXA Asia Pacific
ING KiwiSaver – Cash Plus Fund ING 2.04 4.21 8.28
ING KiwiSaver SIL Cash Plus Fund ING 1.96 3.95 8.73
NZ Guardian ANZ KiwiSaver Cash Fund ING
NZ Guardian National Bank KiwiSaver Cash Fund ING
TOWER KiwiPlan-Preservation Tower 2.05 4.18 8.52
Westpac KiwiSaver-Cash Fund BT NZ 1.41 3.54 5.57
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Fixed Income
Asteron KiwiSaver High Yield Fixed Interest Fund Tyndall 0.79 0.6 0.19
ING KiwiSaver SIL New Zealand Fixed Interest Fund ING 2.52 4.81 6.82
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Fixed Int Fund ING 4.2 3.49 10.97
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Asteron KiwiSaver Global Property Fund Tyndall 0.47 -7.7 -16.38
ING KiwiSaver SIL Australasian Property Fund ING -4.39 -6.15 -20.73
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Property Fund ING -2.87 -11.05 -22.47
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Australasian Equity
AonSaver AMT KiwiSaver Milford Aggressive Fund Milford -0.24 3.01 7.59
Asteron KiwiSaver SRI Share Fund Tyndall -3.84 -10.66 -27.64
Asteron KiwiSaver Trans-Tasman Small Companies Shr Tyndall -9.35 -9.34 -28.18
ING KiwiSaver SIL Australasian Share Fund ING -1.7 -8.91 -25.06
Smartshares Smartkiwi Growth Fund NZ Exchange -5.21 -6.6 -26.13
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International Equity
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Active High Growth Fund ASB Group Invmts -10.53
ASB FirstChoice KiwiSaver Global Sustainability Fd ASB Group Invmts -4.16
Asteron KiwiSaver International Share Fund Tyndall -5.93 -3.7 -18.07
ING KiwiSaver SIL International Share Fund ING -3.3 -3.66 -16.51
ING Kiwisaver SIL Sustainable Growth Fund ING
TOWER KiwiPlan-Equity Tower -9.74 -11.7 -25.34
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Fidelity KiwiSaver-Options Kiwi Fund Tyndall 5.34 13.89 23.28
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