KiwiSaver schemes will be required to disclose their approach to responsible investment from 1 April 2008 under legislative proposals released today by Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne. Press Release KiwiSaver schemes will be required to disclose their approach to responsible investment from 1 April 2008 under legislative proposals released today by […]
Category Archives: KiwiSaver News
KiwiSaver enrolments hit 130K
The latest enrolment numbers for KiwiSaver confirm that the work-based saving scheme is off to a strong start, Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne say.Total enrolments received by Inland Revenue had reached 129,591, with 5,900 opt-outs also received. “It is encouraging to see that just two months since the launch of the […]
ABN AMRO Craigs launches new superannuation initiative
Kiwistart Investment flexibility, transparent costs and leading advice are the cornerstones behind kiwiSTARTTM, ABN AMRO Craigs new superannuation initiative just launched. Press Release Kiwistart Investment flexibility, transparent costs and leading advice are the cornerstones behind kiwiSTARTTM, ABN AMRO Craigs new superannuation initiative just launched. kiwiSTARTTM offers individuals a sophisticated KiwiSaver product. Our scheme provides not […]
The government is proposing further changes to super schemes in line with its aim of encouraging greater savings, Finance Minister Michael Cullen, Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel, State Services Minister Annette King and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne announced today. “The amendments we propose will give those in super schemes that comply with KiwiSaver rules more protection […]