AMP has been given the sign-off to combine its two KiwiSaver schemes. The FMA has approved the transfer of the AMP Wealth KiwiSaver Scheme members to its AMP KiwiSaver Scheme, which AMP says now has the strengths of both schemes. It will mean more than 260,000 members in the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme, with lower fees […]
Category Archives: KiwiSaver Articles
Fidelity sells KiwiSaver and takes stake with buyer
Fidelity Life has confirmed that it has done a deal to sell its KiwiSaver business to Grosvenor Financial Services which will also see it take an ownership stake in the company. Under the deal Grosvernor will assume management of the Fidelity KiwiSaver Scheme and will also work with it on other investment related business. Currently […]
Fidelity KiwiSaver sale rumoured
Grosvenor says it has no comment to make on reports today that it has bought Fidelity Life’s KiwiSaver business. “You shouldn’t listen to rumours,” a spokesman said. It has been reported that a deal was done on Tuesday between the two businesses. Fidelity Life has $244 million in KiwiSaver FUM and bought the Tower life […]
KiwiSaver boosting property sales
More than 10,000 first-home buyers used their KiwiSaver savings to put down a deposit on a house in the year to March. That’s about twice the 5737 who did so in the year to March 2012. The total amount withdrawn from KiwiSaver accounts for first-home deposits was $120.2 million, eight times as much a was […]