Silver ratings for AMP KiwiSaver

Morningstar has given silver ratings to a range of AMP KiwiSaver funds. It awarded the rating to its aggressive, growth, moderate balanced, moderate, conservative and balanced funds. It is the second year AMP KiwiSaver funds have received silver ratings. Bronze, silver and gold ratings indicate the level of conviction Morningstar has in recommending a fund. […]

Falling dollar drives returns

New Zealand’s falling dollar made the biggest difference to KiwiSaver members’ account balances over the most recent quarter, research firm Morningstar says. It has released its latest KiwiSaver survey, to June 30. Over that period, the New Zealand dollar fell in value by just over 8% against the US, 12% against the Euro, 9% against […]

Options discussed to improve KiwiSaver

A number of simple steps could dramatically improve the financial wellbeing of KiwiSaver members if there was industry collaboration to implement them,  investor education workshops have been told. At IRD’s annual KiwiSaver day this year it is holding a workshop to discuss possible administrative tweaks to the KiwiSaver system. As part of the Commission for […]