Call for KiwiSaver to follow Super Fund on ethical investing

New Zealand’s newest KiwiSaver provider is calling on the rest of the industry to adopt standard responsible investing protocols. KiwiSaver investments have been in the spotlight over recent days after a political outcry over revelations that some default funds are invested in companies making bombs and land mines.  Sam Stubbs, of new KiwiSaver provider Simplicity, […]

KiwiSaver transfers from Australia still a drag

Some New Zealanders trying to transfer Australian superannuation funds back to this country are still facing difficulties, one adviser says. Trans-Tasman portability of superannuation funds has been possible since 2013. Funds can be transferred to KiwiSaver schemes. But Jeremy Hoskin, of Super-Advice, which helps with the process, said many people were still being left frustrated. […]

SuperLife shines for NZX

SuperLifeā€™s KiwiSaver business grew 26.6% in the six months to the end of June, the NZX has revealed today. The sharemarket operator has released its half-yearly financial results. Total NZX revenues for the hal- year of $37.9 million were up 10.3% on the previous corresponding period. Earnings before net finance expense, tax, depreciation and amortisation […]