KiwiSaver furore gave advice boost

Media headlines about KiwiSaver funds’ exposure to ammunition investments have provided a boost to some financial advisers. In August, there was a public outcry when it was revealed that a number of funds had underlying investments in companies that made armaments. While that prompted a spark of interest in the details of KiwiSaver investments, some […]

MBIE releases proposed KiwiSaver changes

KiwiSaver providers should be required to disclose a range of extra information in their annual statements, including the total fee in dollar terms a member has paid during the year, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is suggesting. It has released a consultation document outlining proposed changes to annual statements for KiwiSaver, superannuation and […]

Providers bemoan KiwiSaver guidance

KiwiSaver providers say some of the guidance they are getting from the Financial Markets Authority about their sales and advice processes may be getting in the way of members switching funds. The FMA has released its latest KiwiSaver report, which shows that, for the first time, the number of people transferring between schemes was higher […]