Rich Lister backs Stubb’s KiwiSaver scheme

Sir Stephen Tindall is lending his support to not-for-profit KiwiSaver scheme Simplicity. The businessman and Simplicity founder Sam Stubbs announced $1.5 million had been invested in Simplicity via K1W1, the Tindalls' seed and venture capital fund. Simplicity says it is one of the country's fastest-growing KiwiSaver funds, with more than 22,000 members. The money will […]

KiwiSaver Insight:

Is regulated financial advice of value? In 1989, to keep me out of trouble, my parents sent me to school in Berlin. To their horror, shortly after I arrived, the Berlin Wall fell. One of my more vivid memories is of visiting my first East German supermarket with only one brand of anything on the shelf. One […]

AMP says switching campaign paying off

KiwiSaver provider AMP says its latest marketing campaign has encouraged more than 100,000 customers in its default fund to make an active choice about their investments. The Is it Me campaign has reached 86% of its goal for AMP customer switches. “By switching our customers into a potentially higher returning fund, we can make their […]