A groundswell of support is building for KiwiSaver, increasing New Zealanders’ appetite for retirement savings and boosting savings patterns, according to the latest AMP SuperWatch research.Of the people surveyed, 68% said New Zealand Superannuation would be inadequate financial support for them in retirement. Three-quarters of non-retired New Zealanders say they are aware of KiwiSaver (up […]
Author Archives: admin
10 weeks to go – and much to do
Last week I chaired a one-day KiwiSaver Masterclass conference in Auckland which made me, as an employer, feel much better about implementing a savings scheme in our business. Basically the thoughts I expressed in an earlier Blog are similar to how others are feeling. The conference was attended by around 70 people who were predominantly […]
National threatens NZ Superannuation again
Finance Minister Michael Cullen warned today that a National government would cut New Zealand Superannuation in line with OECD recommendations. [ | | | | ]
Investment optimism remains high
The news is pretty good in the latest barometer reading of people’s intentions. Investor confidence is at record high levels, managed funds are picked as the second most popular investment and the awareness of KiwiSaver continues to grow. [ | | | | ]