High public interest in KiwiSaver

As we rapidly approach 1 July (Sunday), opening date for KiwiSaver, it has become clear that there has been a surge in public interest, said Vance Arkinstall, CEO, Investment Savings & Insurance Association (ISI). Press Release Following the Budget announcements providing a tax credit of up to $20 per week and the phased in compulsory […]

Tower Kiwiplan website launch today at 10am

TOWER shows a new side of its personality today, with the launch of its new KiwiPlan website at www.towerkiwiplan.co.nz. Press Release Since long before the KiwiSaver Act was passed, the Government recognised a need for New Zealanders to become more financially literate. Even so, most investment statements and explanatory notes on investments and superannuation are […]

Businesses Still in the Dark on KiwiSaver

Press Release: Just one week out from the introduction of KiwiSaver, a majority of employers still feel they need more information on the new workplace savings scheme, according to a snapshot of businesses taken by New Zealand’s leading business management solution provider, MYOB.A nationwide survey of over 300 businesses of all kinds, conducted last week […]